Minerva – a partner in new EU sustainability project BIOVOICES
By Meg Crouch
23rd May 2018
Minerva is the UK partner in a new EU-funded project aimed at engaging with all relevant stakeholder groups to identify and address the challenges related to increasing the use of bio-based products by citizens and society overall.
The 3-year H2020 BIOVOICES project, coordinated by the Agency for the Promotion of Scientific Research (APRE) in Italy, will organise more than 80 events across Europe with the aim of improving knowledge, identifying challenges and ultimately delivering an action plan to bring about greater use of more sustainable bio-based products, which are plant rather than fossil fuel-based.
To achieve this, BIOVOICES is creating a Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) platform in the bio-based domain to promote dialogue and the co-creation of research, innovation, development and political content to promote bio-based engagement between all stakeholders.
Minerva, coordinators of the recently completed bioeconomy project CommBeBiz, is leading on the development of good practice recommendations to drive engagement and understanding between civil society and key stakeholders in industry, policy and research. Additionally, Minerva will be delivering at least four events in the UK, bringing stakeholders together to progress development and uptake of bio-based solutions.
Rhonda Smith, Director of Minerva, said: “We are delighted to be able to continue our work in the sustainability sector as a partner in the BIOVOICES project. We’re passionate about this issue and we look forward to engaging with all relevant UK stakeholders to help stimulate discussion and build relationships that create a shift towards the widespread use of bio-based products, vital to creating a more sustainable world.”
BIOVOICES has 13 consortium partners in 10 EU member states including Slovakia, Greece and Portugal. For further information visit www.biovoices.eu.