EC-funded research focuses on mental well-being in later life
By Charlotte Reid
12th April 2018
Minerva’s new video showcases the work of the Silver Santé Study
Minerva, communications partner of the Horizon 2020 project Silver Santé Study, has produced a video presenting the project’s research agenda.
The 3-minute film – which features Project Coordinator Dr Gaël Chételat and a team of senior researchers – explains how the study is investigating the impact of the mental training techniques of meditation, language learning and health education, on mental health and well-being in later life.
Produced by Minerva’s Charlotte Reid and Megan Crouch, the video features an interview with Age UK’s Research Manager, Sujata Ray, about the vital contribution older people make to society and the effects poor mental health can have in the ageing population and their ability to stay connected
Senior Project Manager Charlotte, said: “As Silver Santé receives money from the European public purse, it’s important that European citizens are informed about this research. This short film is an easy and accessible way for people to find out what the project is about and how we may all benefit from what is being investigated.
“As the communications partner, it’s our role to share the work of the project in a way that everyone can understand – not only the research community – and short films are an ideal way to do that.”
Find more information about the study at www.silversantestudy.eu