Minerva drives success of European Beef Farming Network Project
By Amanda Beard
13th September 2023
The BovINE Network Project funded for three years by the EU from 2020 to 2022, created knowledge and materials to drive sustainability of the European beef farming sector focusing on the needs expressed by European farmers.
As the communications and dissemination lead for the project, Minerva’s involvement was key to the success and delivery of the impact of the project.
Working collaboratively with 10 European country partners, co-ordinated in Ireland by Teagasc ( Food and Agriculture Authority) Minerva led the creation of an actionable and targeted strategic plan.
Creation of the project logo, website and knowledge hub plus social media platforms, together with multi-language materials and consistent supply of visual and text content, was coupled with targeted advice and support to all partners leading to the successful delivery of a comprehensive outreach programme.

5,000 farmers visited the BovINE knowledge hub containing 400+ validated ‘on farm’ ready practice abstracts, spending over 6 minutes per visit – evidence that relevant and accessible information was being provided. With 100+ meetings held in person and online, 12+ capacity development workshops held and 150+ media materials created, BovINE proved to be a creative and busy project – culminating in acknowledgement of its importance by the EU’s Agricultural Directorate (DG Agri).
Rhonda Smith, Minerva’s Director said: “Our 3-year programme of work for BovINE enabled us to engage with all relevant stakeholders, stimulating the exchange of knowledge and ideas to promote best practice thus helping beef farmers across Europe ensure their long-term sustainability.”
Minerva created the BovINE Magazine providing a comprehensive record of the project’s activity, available here https://www.bovine-eu.net/about/ with 9 customised language versions for each of the country members involved also available via the project website.
To access the freely available resources and materials created throughout the project visit: https://www.bovine-eu.net/. Access the beef farming practice abstracts on the BovINE Knowledge Hub at https://hub.bovine-eu.net/.