On Thursday, 19th November the Minerva team travelled to Romsey to deliver its second ‘Making your voice heard’ workshop, in conjunction with Test Valley Community Services (TVCS).
Following the success of the last workshop, which took place in Andover in July, this session focused on charitable groups and organisations from a different location in Test Valley. The focus was on learning new strategies and sharing ideas for securing funding, communicating with key audiences, and cementing reputation to spread the word about their work.
The workshop began with a keynote speech from Caroline Nokes, MP for Romsey and Southampton North, who discussed how a local MP can help local organisations make their voices heard. She offered several handy tips on how and when to make an effective approach, followed by a Q&A session, when delegates could quiz her on how to get the support they need.
The main section of the workshop involved practical activities focused on three different areas – funding, community and reputation, sparking plenty of discussion and sharing of ideas between organisations.
Feedback showed 100% of delegates agreed the course was well-structured and relevant, and left them with a better understanding of the topic. Other comments included: “It was good to meet people from the local community…I felt I gained insight from others” and “[I gained] a stronger cohesive approach”.
The workshop was described as a “good well-run course” and “a good session, staff [were] helpful and informative”.
Minerva was pleased to hear that everyone found the session useful and hopes the delegates will be able to put their learnings into practice!