Minerva to deliver communications training workshop at Wageningen University
Minerva has been invited to run a two-part communications workshops for stakeholders and researchers at the University in the historic town of Wageningen, in the Netherlands.
Partnering with the EU ERA-NET Co-fund for monitoring and mitigation of greenhouse gasses from Agri- and Silvi-culture (forestry), Minerva will organise and deliver a Communication & Stakeholder Engagement workshop for members, and a training workshop for researchers, all of whom are involved in the new FACCE-ERA-GAS projects.
During the Stakeholder workshop, taking place in October 2017, Rhonda Smith, Director of Minerva, will discuss the issue of stakeholder engagement to find ways to share knowledge and learning and explore possible common initiatives for the benefit of all those involved in the project.
The objective of the training workshop session the following day will be to discuss and plan the dissemination and communication of the research projects and, more practically, how to write popular scientific articles and identify the right communication channels for publicising them. The importance of using photographs and images in creating publicity material to attract attention will also be covered.
Minerva has considerable experience and expertise in the field of communications training, both for stakeholders and researchers, raising the quality and effectiveness of disseminating scientific research results.
For further information visit www.eragas.eu